

Guanhe Translation Team is capable of providing the most professional legal translation services for clients with its strong team capabilities. In addition, Guanhe has received support from experts of colleges and universities including China University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law and Sun Yat-Sen University, which ensures the translation services we provide meet professional standards.


Based on its many years of legal translation experience, Guanhe forms a routine process consisting of translation, initial review and final review. The tacit understanding among team members enables our legal translation services to be provided efficiently and timely.

Understand Client Needs

The work experience in the Translation Department of King&Wood Mallesons allows us to not only understand the internal work process and needs of internal clients of law firms, but also accurately grasp the needs and concerns of external clients. Based on an accurate grasp of client needs and our expertise and experience, we are able to provide the most attentive services for clients.
